Monday 5 September 2011

Learning and Teaching with Prezi

The first time I saw a Prezi was in my uni Psychology class. In groups we were presenting some work and I like most others had just used the standard powerpoint. Prezi looked so cool and exciting and made my powerpoint look like it was from the stone ages. So we all quized this prezi- maker for the details on how to make one ourselves. Prezi I found was free for students- something I thought would be so helpful if students could make them too- and really easy to make. So I made a prezi for my first class at my new placment. The students were excited- they too had never seen this cool new learning tool. I was careful however to not fall into the trap of powerpoint of just reading the slides and hoping that the students just took it all in... boring! So I included questions that students had to answer, clips from youtube that students had to find key points and included allongside this prezi an activity to get the students out of their seats and using the knowledge they had just learnt. Overall it was a success. My mentor has told me that in his teaching of this class there is death by powerpoint. Whatever technology you use it should be used to engage and facilitate student's learning. My mentor has learnt himself how to use prezi... but I fear that this is merely putting one, slightly more advanced presentation in for another and needs to be used to greater advantage. I do not know what the answer is yet but I shall keep exploring.

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